Castle Fever 2010 - Tournament of Chivalry

Medieval Archery Practice - Luttel Psalter

Troll Schedule

Here is a link to the Event Schedule

Following the same idea as last year, all heavy fighters, archers, and rapier fighters who are fighting or shooting are expected to fill a shift at troll. To help these folks balance working at our event and playing at our event, please allow them be the first volunteers below. The hope is this will decrease the chances of work/fun scheduling conflicts while filling up the majority of time slots. After this first pass, we welcome all of our other wonderful volunteers to grab slots as the choose!
Many thanks.


Noon - 2PM   Isabelle Owen
2PM - 4PM   Yngvar  
4PM - 6PM   Damiano  
6PM - 8PM   Del Rae Belle
8PM - 10PM   Gevehard Alinore
10PM - Midnight   Masatsugu Ingram


9AM - 10AM   Anplica Greta
10AM - Noon   Guenevere Aletheia
Noon - 2PM   Brenna Martin
2PM - 4PM   Del Rae Masatsugu


9AM - 11AM   Amalia Cadwallon
11AM - 1PM   Johannes Colban
1PM - 3 PM   Del Rae Ingram

Castle Fever is hosted by Silfren Mere

Standard Disclaimer and Credits

Late Updated: Saturday, May 22, 2010 2:21 PM